Multilpe Testlet, 잘 풀면 잘 풀수록 어려워진다? 그렇다고 하네요. 첫번째 testlet은 'moderate difficulty'로 조정되어 문제가 나온다고 합니다. 두번째 부터는 직전 testlet의 결과에 따라 난이도가 조절된다고 하네요. 다만, FAR/AUD/REG의 Multilple에만 해당하는 이야기이며, BEC와 Simulation은 해당사항이 없습니다. 정확한 것은 아래 원문 참고하세용. ^^
What is the delivery model used for the Examination?
A multistage adaptive test delivery model is used for Auditing and Attestation (AUD), Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR), and Regulation (REG) multiple-choice testlets. This means that the first testlet presented to the candidate is at a level of moderate difficulty. Subsequent testlets - at the same or slightly more difficult level - are then chosen automatically based on the examinee's performance on the previous testlet.
At the present time, Business Environment and Concepts (BEC) does not follow the adaptive model, and is composed of testlets at the moderate level of difficulty only.
The simulations presented in FAR, AUD, and REG do not follow the adaptive model. They are not selected on the basis of prior performance.
절대 평가로 채점된다?
약간의 상대평가가 가미된 것으로 알았는데, AICPA는 아니라고 밝히고 있군요. 상대평가가 아니며(NOT CURVED), 모든 수험생의 성적은 다른 수험생의 성적으로부터 독립적이라고 합니다. 즉, 미리 셋팅된 점수 기준에 의해 채점되므로, 문제가 쉬우면 쉬운데로, 어려우면 어려운데로 차근 차근 점수를 쌓아가면 되나 봅니다.
Is the CPA Examination scored on a curve?
The CPA Examination is NOT curved. Every candidate’s score is entirely
independent of other candidates’ examination results.
The CPA Examination is a criterion-referenced examination which means that it rests upon pre-determined standards. Every candidate’s performance is measured against established standards to determine whether the candidate has demonstrated the level of knowledge and skills that is represented by the passing score. Every candidate is judged against the same standards, and every score is an independent result.
어려운 문제를 풀면, 제 점수는???
음... 문제 난이도와 통계치까지 고려하니, 걱정말라고 하는군요. 아무래도, 특정 문제의 점수도 정해져 있는게 아니라, 난이도 뿐아니라 다른 통계치까지 고려하여 채점할 때 문제의 배점이 결정되는게 아닌가 하는 생각이 들게 하네요.(저의 가설입니다.) 여튼 점수 계산 방식이 매우 복잡한 것 같네요.
If I am given more difficult questions to answer than another candidate, how can our responses be scored comparably?
IRT scoring takes into account differences in the difficulty of test questions in addition to other statistical properties. IRT scoring uses statistical properties of items, and the pattern of correct and incorrect responses, to calculate scores representing candidates' knowledge and skill levels. These scores are comparable because they have been calculated taking difficulty levels, as well as other item statistics, into consideration.
그럼, 도대체 채점은 무슨 방식으로 하는 건가??
IRT(Item Response Theory, 문항반응이론)이라는 것을 사용한다고 하는 군요..... ㅡㅡ;; 문제의 난이도 뿐만 아니라 문제의 통계적 성격까지도 고려하여 점수에 반영한다고 하네요... 뭐 결국 어떻게 채점되는지 알려줄 수 없지만, 알아서 하고 있으니 걱정말아라... 라는 느낌이네요.ㅋ 좀 더 자세한 이해를 하려면, 문항반응이론을 알아봐야 겠네요ㅋ.
What scoring method is used to score the CPA Examination?
The AICPA uses IRT (Item Response Theory) for the objective portion of the examination. IRT is a well-established psychometric approach to scoring used by licensing and certification examinations that administer many different test forms. IRT scoring ensures that scores and pass or fail decisions based on scores from different examination forms are comparable. Based on the large amounts of data that are collected in pretesting, the difficulty level as well as other statistical characteristics of examination questions are known and taken into account in scoring.